Fulamak Network

Thursday, February 19, 2009


It almost 4 month now i've been working for this beautiful resort in sabah called "Nexus Resort Karambunai"...mcm best pula kerja sini ni..dalam masa 3 bulan ni macam2 sudah yang nampak sini..tapi sayang nya kalo duduk di front office ni tidak dapat round in the hotel...some time jalan juga if bellman tidak cukup orang so terpaksa tolong diorang either pigi check in or check out guest..susah juga ni kerja d bahagian front office..

Monday, June 09, 2008

To Singapore Soon..

It been long not update my blog since june last year..skrg baru ada masa mo p gatal2 ni tangan mo tulis kunun..will soon go to singapore kerja sana but still don't manage to find a job mungkin sampai sana baru cari kunun ni minta tulung kwn2 la pa lagi..tarikh karamat berada di sabah untuk kali terakhir 14 june2008..nanti tia tau lagi bila mau balik sabah ni..see and wait ja la ada cuti panjang then balik la kalo ada duit...till now la jam pun menunjukan 5.21pm n want na go home da ni..actually d cc kunun ni baru ja beli tiket Online..k la till now..adios all my friends in sabah..bagus2 la kamu kerja snii..

Thursday, November 08, 2007

What Up!!! What Up!!!

Huhhh....it been long time I've didn't update my blog...ni la teda internet da d rumah, just p cc than baru d sni dpt update in blog..now here I'm back in my home town papar sabah..it been long time already here kira2 mo 1 thn da ni kalo inda silap but still tida dpt kerja ni coz mls mo apply gia....tapi awal thn ni ada jga la p kerja about 6 mth kalo inda silap..kerja d sutera harbour..as an resort artis..best jga ni kerja..so relax but full of stress..assignment sna sni..lain lagi date line...ho ho ho...mmg mencabar ni kerja relax but stress..not teda buat pa2 ni sni ja la ni d kg..tanam anggur org bilang..subur2 belaka tu anggur d belakang rumah akakakakaaa.....tu pun kalo da la..to all my friends yg masih cubuk2 sni blog sa hopefully kamu semua ok la sihat2 belaka kan...k la till this time saja la nanti sa sambung lagi sorita2 yg lain...adios..

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Your Are Sabahan When...

1) You drive at right lane of the road, with a speed of only 50 KM/H. If people horn behind you, you still don't know what's wrong.2) You have the luxury of working from 8 AM to 5 PM (get off work punctually).
3) You don't believe that there is any "clean" politician in Sabah.
4) You feel "obligated" to reach the top of Mount Kinabalu at least once in a lifetime.
5) You prefer a big car than a big house (probably you can't drive a big house around to show off).
6) You wear slipper and short wherever you go, even in city.
7) You still think that Labuan belongs to Sabah.
8) You will not go to any FREE seminar / function that has no food or refreshment.
9) You don't care about service. You just want things cheap, cheap, cheap.
10) You know where to get your candles and torch light quickly in the total darkness (due to training by frequent blackout).
11) You know what "aramaitiee" means...
12) You shout "referee bodoh" and at the same time throw mineral water bottles on the pitch during a football match at Likas Stadium..
13) Your Timorese maid ran away with her lover, taking your money or jewellery along..
14) You doubt someone's mykad wether it is real or fake..
15) Your favourite assemblyman whom you vote and supported all this while...gambled away and lost a whopping 60 million ringgit in a London casino..
16) You go inside a karaoke at 12 pm and realise that the place is still open at 5 am...
17) You come across a supposedly local person but with a very foreign accent..
18) You cannot vote in an election because someone has voted on behalf of you...
19) You own a bakakuk
Tambah.... you are a Sabahan if u say and understand these words....
1. tuuuna/ saaaana - points with the lips - (there-- at a distance)(the longer the 'tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuna / saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaana' the further the place is.)2. limpas (to pass/walk by - Maaf, saya > limpas dulu? Excuse me, can I passby?3. palui (stupid, duh! )
4. tapuk (to hide )
5. bida (ugly)
6. bubut (as in proper malay- "kejar", to chase)
7. sakai (ignorant, uncivilized, "hoosier")
8. andang-andang (that's how it is)
9. sapak (kasi campur/gaul --utk masakan-to mix as in cooking)
10. inda/tia (short form of "tidak" - not, no)
11. wicin (another brand of msg as in "aji-no- moto" - a seasoning or food enhancer)12. talampau (proper malay - "terlampau"- too much)
13. takajut (proper malay - "terkejut" - shocked, startled)
14. siorang (proper malay -"kami"/ "saya-orang" - us, we)
15. ngam-ngam (proper malay "kebetulan" - exact, at that time)
16. mangkali (proper malay "barangkali" - maybe, perhaps)
17. kamarin (proper malay "kelmarin" - yesterday)
18. kanapa (proper malay "kenapa" - why)
19. gia (___expression - "is it?")
20. bah (___expression - "ok!")
21. ah? (question, "Apa?" What?)
22. kici/kicil (proper malay "kecil" - small)
23. basar (proper malay "besar" - big, huge)
24. siok (___expression/description, proper malay "seronok" - enjoyable, great, etc-)
25. urang ("orang" - people; sometimes used "diurang" - them, they)
26. karing ("kering" - dry)
27. umban ("humban, lempar" - throw)
28. kana ("kena"- got ie--"kena umban" --got thrown)
29. padih ("pedih" - as in "Mata saya padih/pedih!" - My eyes stings, painful)30. numbur ("nombor" - number)
31. gali ("geli" as in squeemish about something, or "gali"--gali lubang - as in Dig a hole.)
32. dorang ("dia orang/diurang" - them, they - Dorang pigi tamu. They went to the market.)
33. panat ("penat" - tired)
34. katawa ("ketawa" - laugh, laughing)
35. lanjang (a.k.a. "periuk /belanga " - pots/pans)
36. putung ("potong" - cut, slice)
37. Buduh ("bodoh" - stupid)
38. tongo/bongo ("stupido" - same as above )
39. kabaru-baruan ("kebaru-baruan"- new to something)
40. giuk (proper malay "ulat"- worm)
41. Sikui (Tembikai - watermelon)
42. Santut (Underwear)
43. celana/salana (Seluar)
44. gipit (to grip...)
45. kanapatan/kadapatan (caught red handed.. or as the malays in kl say..'kantoi')
46. kebangkalan (choked while eating..proper malay = 'tersedak')
47. ketulahan (bad karma)
48. bahai (plastic bag)
49. uinnaaa! (used to express various feelings, mostly when surprised..)
50. ging (derived from the word gang.. means kawan/member)
51. Tontolou = Uncle Johnny
52. Pantat = Butt<---tp di semenanjung,lain tuh kan? eee... ya ba pula.. Di sabah .. belakang ..tapi di semenanjung di Depan pulak .. silap .. LOL 53. Cula = Coke or Coca-cola...lol54 Torrrrrbaik = The Best...lol 55. Bikin panas = feeling angry...HHAH - HOt kununlah..True to my roots.. I have one to contribute56. Tambirang = Don't lie.. (eg. Jangan kau tembirang)57. Sabak ---- means baru ko tau... in english = I TOLD U... 58. Kotoh ---- Means as same like Sabak... 59. Lakas = Lekas/Cepat (Faster) 60. Bobot = Vagina 61. Balabak = Scrotum 62. Kalatiak = Ketiak (Armpit) 63. Duiiii dogo! = My goodness!! / Oh my!! 64. Seluar Katak - underwear 65. siring siring - side / on the side66. taapun - a phrase used when unable to get the things desired67. palis palis - touch wood68 tachut - our version of touch wood69. gostan - reverse70. gohed - forward71. ayuk - swinging movement of the arm in the marble game. can also mean to masturbate 72. taiih - shit / feaces / or just a curse word 73. kogutan - hangover74. Sepuluh Tiga (10-3) - RM10 for three cans of beer (well in those days lah)75. muhau - crazy76. takana - hit (BM is terkena)77. tekuis - same like like takana78. kapayas / tapayas - papaya79. api api - kota kinabalu80 (sia) bilang - said81. skijap - soon / in a short while / later82. tinguk - (tengok) to look83. hari satu - monday84. hari dua - tuesday85. hari tiga - wednesday86. hari ampat - thursday87. hari lima - friday88. hari anam - saturday89. SOT - crazy (like me)90. thai lingong - worse than buduh91. karan - electricity 92. butul - in BM 'betul'

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Miss her very2 MucH

It been quite long time didn't heard from her..when i call her this evening she didn't answer the call..i don't know either she is very2 bz or else..keadaan itu membuat kan sia sangat2 risau sama dia tia tau pa sebab dia tida mau jawab sia punya call tadi...owhhh goshhhh that make very2 in blured...tah la pa mo cakap tapi pa buli buat la kan kami pun baru ja ba kenal n than tia pernah jumpa lagi tue so faham2 ja lo..malas juga mo main paksa2 nie bagus lagi kalo dia yg sendiri cakap sama sia secara terus terang napa dia buat sia cam nie tia tau la pasal tapi berserah la sia pun malas sdh mo cakap...tia tau la pa lagi..malas sdh mo ckp pa2 la dari ko ja..i just hope that u happy with your life there at kuching n take good care of yourself...may GOD bless u..

Monday, May 01, 2006

It Been A LoNg TiMe....

Huuu it been quite a long time sdh tida update nie blog hemm bz punya pasal la nie...last week paper habis n now free gila sdh nie tapi baru hari ni dapat update nie blog sambil2 dengar lagu2 R&B through Yahoo Messanger...sedih bila tengo tu list YM orang yg d cari tida OL nie mlm usually dia slalu OL time2 cam nie..so sad cause masa dia bersedih dulu sia teda masa tu..rasa betul2 bersalah sama dia nie coz she need somebody at that time n sia tia tau apa2 nie coz sia teda OL masa tue..verr if u read my blog nie sia harap ko buli kasih maaf sia k..sia betul2 menyesal atas apa yg terjadi..harap ko faham k situasi sia sini..sia hanya dapat doa kan ko ja nie dari sini biarpun kita tida berjumpa lagi kan..harap2 ko sihat d sana kuching n want na say good luck in your final exam k..miss u very2 much...

Monday, March 13, 2006

I'm Back

Hermmm..lama dah inda update nie blog nie macam teda blog tapi ada jua nie blog nie tia kana update malas ba..actually sia jarang da ba nie OL coz teda dah internet sini rumah n selalu pun p d cc tau sini lab fakulti ja lo apa lagi coz free kan tia payah bayar..heheheee nie blog pun macam nie jua rupa dia tia berubah2 tapi tuan dia berubah pula makin sihat akakaaa tu la telampau aramaitie punya kerja sampai badan pun mo naik dah akakaaaa...nasib la skrg jarang2 dah mo aramaiti coz bz kan banyak kerja plus test itu ini lagi akakaaaa...hermm pa lagi ba nie mo ckp cam teda ja..ada ka ahh hermm tah la..tu ja kot setakat nie nanti la lagi sia update nie blog..no idea pa mo tulis sni..